Medical & Emergency Response Team

Medical & Emergency Response Team


Medical & Emergency Response Team 

Welcome to our page

MERT were set up in 2017 by constitution as a non-profit organisation Medical & Emergency Response Team became a register Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation in 2021.  

The team aims to provide trained volunteers capable of delivering support to communities and the agencies serving them during incidents or adverse weather.  We also support Inverness town centre through BID Inverness and our Operation Respect partner agencies keeping people safe at busy weekends.

To enable this we provide event first aid and medical cover which allows us to practice many of the skills utilised during incident response.

UPDATE 17 Jan 2025

MERT needs your vote...

Out of the 150 charities that applied we made the top three for Highlands and Islands. The charity with the most votes will be supported by the P&J for the rest of the year. 

Now we have two weeks to spread the word far and wide to vote for us. 

Please help by clicking the link above and voting for us and spreading the word on your social media pages. 

This money will provide kit and defibrillators to put more first responders out in the community.

The team and its services are run entirely by volunteers and funding is achieved through provision of event medical cover.  This funding pays for volunteer training, equipment, consumables and other team expenses. Thank you for helping! 

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