As part of our commitment to our volunteers we aim to provide training which is externally certificated and is something which they can use outside of their volunteering. As volunteers become more experienced they are offered additional training to further their capabilities.
Provision of this training ensures our team has achieved nationally set standards, external organisations can therefore understand the level at which team members operate.
Medical & Emergency Response Team can provide training to members of the public in a variety of subjects. All these courses are certificated by a national authorising organisation which means courses are run to an agreed standard with a nationally set curriculum.
Places can often be secured on training being delivered to our volunteers but our team can also run courses on request for groups.
Courses our team can deliver include:
- Emergency First Aid at Work
- First Aid at Work
- Emergency Paediatric First Aid
- Paediatric First Aid
- Moving & Handling
- Mental Health First Aid
Training spaces currently available
There are currently no spaces available to the public on our volunteer courses. We will provide updates on this page when they become available.
Please contact us here for more information.